Module ltml.sandbox

The LTML sandbox module returns a function environment to be used when executing templates.


returns... ([env])

Class Tag

Tag:__call (data) Modifies the tag immutably. The name of the tag.
Tag.attributes The attributes of the tag.
Tag.children The tag's children.

Class Sandbox

Sandbox:tag (name[, attributes[, children]]) Returns a constructed tag with given attributes and children.
Sandbox:raw (data) Takes a raw tag and passes it into tag.
Sandbox:def (name[, value]) Declares an environment variable.
Sandbox:map (list, func) Iterates over a list of items and applies a function to all of them, returning a list of the results.
Sandbox:cond (test[, yes[, no]]) Returns a selection of the two final values based on the first value.
Sandbox:isdef (var[, yes[, no]]) A helper function which checks if the variable is defined within the environment using cond.


returns... ([env])


  • env table A table to use as the starting environment. (optional)


    Sandbox A Sandbox instance.

Class Tag

An LTML tag.
Tag:__call (data)
Modifies the tag immutably.


  • data table The attributes and children to apply to the tag.


    Tag The modified tag.
The name of the tag.
The attributes of the tag.
The tag's children.

Class Sandbox

An LTML sandbox environment.
Sandbox:tag (name[, attributes[, children]])
Returns a constructed tag with given attributes and children.


  • name string The tag's name.
  • attributes table The tag's attributes. (optional)
  • children table The tag's children. (optional)


    table The constructed tag.
Sandbox:raw (data)
Takes a raw tag and passes it into tag.


  • data table The raw tag.


    table The constructed tag.
Sandbox:def (name[, value])
Declares an environment variable. This function is optionally curried.


  • name string A variable path name. Can be separated by dots to define variables in table structures.
  • value The value to set the variable to. (optional)
Sandbox:map (list, func)
Iterates over a list of items and applies a function to all of them, returning a list of the results.


  • list table The list of items to iterate over.
  • func function The function to apply.


    table The list of results.
Sandbox:cond (test[, yes[, no]])
Returns a selection of the two final values based on the first value. This function is optionally curried.


  • test boolean The boolean value to act on.
  • yes The value to return when test is truthy. (optional)
  • no The value to return when test is falsy. (optional)


    The value of yes if test is truthy, or the value of no if test is falsy.
Sandbox:isdef (var[, yes[, no]])
A helper function which checks if the variable is defined within the environment using cond. This function is optionally curried.


  • var string The name of the variable to check for. Can be dot separated for variables within tables.
  • yes The value to return when the variable is defined. (optional)
  • no The value to return when the variable is not defined. (optional)


    The value of yes if the variable is defined, or the value of no if the variable is not defined.
generated by LDoc 1.4.6 Last updated 2019-07-25 17:17:58